When Small Business and Communities Grow Together… – Blooming Boutique

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When Small Business and Communities Grow Together…

When small businesses are embraced within their community a beautiful thing begins to happen; the business and community grow together.  The benefits from small business are significant including keeping money in the community, creation of local jobs, give-back initiatives, and more!  The business itself can be a place for the customers to gather, spend time, laugh and of course, shop.  Blooming Boutique strives to be a place where customers want to hang out; delight in a cocktail, food tasting, and enjoy togetherness!  

St. Patrick's Day Party at Blooming Boutique

Studies have shown that for every $100 a person spends at a local business, $68 will stay in the community, compared to only $43 of every $100 spent at a chain store.  Not only are local shoppers supporting members of their own community, but you are also able to purchase unique products that may not be found in a big box store.   Small businesses are often just as unique and individual as their owners; which is certainly true of Blooming Boutique, which is a direct reflection of founder Michiko Seto’s eclectic taste.  With over a decade in business, Micha values customer feedback most of all, frequently hosting polls on Facebook to learn what you want to shop!  Within the last year, Scout and Spartina lines were added because of customer response to Blooming Boutique and Treasures stores.      

Cheers to Customer Loyalty Rewards!

In addition to purchasing more unique items and keeping more of your money in the community, small businesses also often reward you with loyalty programs.  Blooming Boutique, Treasures and Lewes Gifts Customer Loyalty Programs have already given back over $75,000 directly to our customers this year!

Small Businesses also tend to donate in a big way.  Small business give to non-profit community causes roughly 250% more than larger business! So, it’s not just an impact on the local economy, it’s also about being a member of the community and improving the community in which we live.  Blooming Boutique supports a variety of local charities, groups and organizations including the Zwaanendael Women’s Club, Lewes in Bloom, Chicks for Charity, and Toys for Tots to name a few. We support each other because we live together.  Recently, Blooming Boutique started offering a new give-back program; during the weekday evenings in January through April, Blooming Boutique hosts Happy Hours or Fashion Shows for charities with a portion of proceeds during an allotted time being donated back to the charity.

Blooming Boutique's Annual Food Drive with Women's Club

A few more thoughts about small business in your community...

  • Small Business encompass the American dream and allow people to pursue their passion.  According to the Small Business Administration, 54 percent of U.S. sales come from small businesses. That leads to a big impact on the stock market and our GDP.
  • Small businesses also create employment opportunities and encourage innovation. Small businesses are the engines of job creation in this country and account for 64 percent of the net new private-sector jobs and over 49 percent of private-sector employment.  

We can’t wait to see you at any of our store locations in Lewes, Long Neck, and Milford. Follow us on Facebook at Shop Blooming Boutique for updates on all upcoming events and promotions!

*Statistics provided by Grass Hopper Resources, American Express and G1ve.org

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